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Faith to Fight: Standing Firm in the Face of Cancer


For many people a cancer diagnosis brings fear, worry, and doom, but for those who live by faith, it becomes an opportunity to pull strength and power from God to overcome the battle ahead. 


Faith to Fight: Standing Firm in the Face of Cancer by Tammie Jones is part memoir, part scripture journal for those who are conquering cancer. Tammie is a cancer survivor who refused to let fear consume her when she received news that she had stage 3 breast cancer in 2014. Instead, she began to stand firm on the Word of God and confess His promises of life, health, hope, and abundance. 


As Tammie released the Word of God, she witnessed miracles and healing that shocked physicians and drew loved ones closer to Jesus Christ. Faith to Fight includes the Bible promises Tammie used to stand firm in the face of cancer and also provides space for reflection and personal prayer for the warrior who is within the battle. 

Faith to Fight: Standing Firm in the Face of Cancer

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